I read the manuscript once to get an idea of where the story is going and who the players are. Then I line edit the first hundred pages so we can see any problems exclusive to your writing. I will show you how to fix those, and after that you should be able to follow my instructions on later pages. Making some of the changes on your own helps you learn.
I jot notes on the mss. pages, both pro and con.
After reading the entire mss., I consider many points, among them writing ability, pace, flow, characterization, motivation, plot, does each scene work—or how can it work better? I suggest ways the writer can improve upon what's already on the page (if, indeed they can). Sometimes there are missing scenes that I will suggest you add, or superfluous scenes that detract from story and need to be taken out.
Each mss. is returned with a full set of notes that addresses any changes I feel need to be made.
If the writer wishes me to reread the manuscript after it's been reworked and polished, there is a $200.00 reading fee.
Oftentimes, if a work is ready and I know an agent who's looking for a particular kind of story, I recommend the writer query there. I cannot recommend work with which I am unfamiliar or if I haven't seen the final edit. I have to know the writer has been able to make the necessary changes and has executed them with precision before I can recommend.